I have been consulting for years without getting paid and constantly I get reviews or comments or even calls from people, some who will pass me by on the street and thank me for the advice. Having worked in the medical field my main priorities were diagnosis, inquiry and understanding my patients. I took this job seriously to an even higher extent then necessary. Problem solving skills are probably better then any experience I have ever received. To not give up on a problem really sharpens the learning curve needed to complete tasks. So as a business that is dealing with changes all the time in the markets and the consumer effected by so much exposure and competition, attention is perhaps the hardest thing to sustain now. Insight is required and awareness of what is going on in the world can't hurt either in understanding perception. Unlike other social media consultants, I actually do every single stage of the work myself. From Writing, To Video Editing, Music, Martial Arts and so on and on. Finding a niche in your market is always a challenge when growing a brand, particularly being able to stand out. Often times we are subject to imitation or emulation. Although it is important to learn from what has been tried and tested it is important to keep in mind that everyone is doing this and that itself is not sustainable while quite unoriginal. It is inevitable that the consumers perception will blend you indistinguishable with everything else. There is just absolutely no need to do this. That is why working with an innovative approach is going to be better. I will guarantee that you stand out, and you will be able to scale that brand full speed ahead. Working with me will feel like you now have too many ideas and yes there is a solution to that stage as well. Been there done that. Let's go there, do this!
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