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Writer's pictureMr. Everything

What is the relationship between drugs and sexual pleasure?

Often times the two go together, one high to another and a mix of both. The addict creates habits and patterns. Escaping, sexualizing and being driven to fulfill their desires, by motive of repetition, a lack of stillness in the mind, a distraction that is not satisfied until the urges to complete are fulfilled. However that never being possible the addict stays to chasing a former past desire. Like a lost boyfriend or girlfriend who provided something longed for in their fantasies or images. Males and Females repeat the same pattern of chasing after the same mate. A falsity that keeps them in the loop of recreating the same problems caused by attachment. Attachment is fear of loss again, fear of losing keeps others clingy, often afraid and paranoid. Drugs activate pleasure centers of the brain. Often increasing the sensation since the mind looses it gradually as it looses the ability to create new sensations. Making others sexually limp, disconnecting their neurons from their body. The organ and brain functions suffer often leading to Alzheimers or some memory or brain losses as the brain is eroded over time. The images in the mind, are impediments to actual sensation which is new. Images of sex are used to distract as you stare this image to the right, see what it does to you?

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