This is going to be complicating, so read the other post on cells that divide!
The term itself means two poles of being. However if it was bi-polar then it would be a complete oscillation of a circuit from + to - . Thus This is incorrect, what it really is an omni-pole split into several pieces all in conflict with each other which is normal although it can occur in extremes if the person does not maintain their states of awareness. If one uses both brains one completes a whole oscillation. Two cannot be split apart, it is the one that has not become another one which has not completed itself, thus the circuit did not connect. The brain is very much like this, drugs isolate the brain which under the influence of anything cannot make a natural connection. This natural connection has meaning, thus the two fragments come together and energy is not dissipated, since it oscillated. Space was saved cause it was not dispersing itself all over erratically since it had some place to go to and come back. Even though distance is not an issue nor is time. The occurrence of these two events bring the mind in unison with that which charges it at a rate which is not normal when the brain and body is out of tune. The whole being is an instrument that is tuned but in a completely different way.
Inner conflicts ensue between states of fragmentation, the confusion about oneself and what is happening during this fragmentation is common and not a disorder, it often becomes worse with time for many who have used medication or lived under any condition which caused them to not resolve the fragmentation of conflict.
Doctors will prescribe anyone with pills, often times they do it to empaths or people whose sensitivity is so strong they can live the emotions of others and not realize it.
Bi-Polar disorder is a lie in both word and application. There is no such thing, the pills they prescribe exacerbate it by suppressing the neurons from oscillating creating black holes in their head where energy won't oscillate.