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The Cats in the Blak Hat!

Updated: Mar 21, 2019

A small tale of hacking in plain sight that happened to a graphics designer on and around march 12th lasting about 5 nights!

Bypassing facebook security we can call them the new "Blak Face" of the chapter in this book!

While the rest of the world was sleeping, zombie night life on their phone. Blak-Hats stormed the Sherman Oaks - Studio City Area with hopes! The mark of their presence or brand was on a sidewalk next to LA TIMES STAND, facing away from CVS on Laurel Canyon. Clueless FBI and police had no hint while a whole team passed firewalls and bluetooth access and turned on wireless signals. In plain sight almost laughing at us while they bypass security. Ghost Copy phones, hacking Instagram and Facebook pages associated, one after the other all completing functions and tasks in a specific order. When discovered their demeanor switches on and the light bulb hits them as they make their exit. From Starbucks to 24 Hr Cafes Like Crave next to Trader Joes and in libraries too. Hiding in plain sight, while the populous just ignorantly lives an a film reality that blinds their view. Spineless public who cares for no one around is always looking down “ I am just a country boy making minimum wage”, has no guts to even open their eyes. I don’t even blame them really. If It was any easier we would call it kid napping in broad daylight instead of hacking. Heck it might as well be called consented rape. I however enjoy the "pain and pleasure" of watching you work. You guys are on a game of wits and speed. It's hard to be that focused and aware under that much pressure I understand.

Even though I have your Identity now I guess I just won’t reveal any info on that. Simply because in all honesty it really seems like the public could care less, since they can't see anything right in their face, and in some ways this may not be something you guys were aware that you would be getting into, while you try to storm a graphic designers computer and see some of his sexy clothing designs or find ways to fuck with his social/personal life etc..

Trust me I am already quite the character on my own the name is Mr. Everything. You should take it that your identity is safe with me. That Bangla Keyboard is full of really cool characters. Did you guys get to clean the directory or server. Oh by the way just about everything on my drive was going to go up on my website or online for free anyway. I mean I know you guys work on the computer a lot but, the Psychological time is also messing with you patience in real life.

Does it not or does it concern the public that their data is easily accessible. That their local law enforcement is probably regrettable. They just show up when you are dead to wrap ribbons and decorations in Hallmark fashion. You must admit this is one of the funniest reads that you guys have ever read on this topic.

While Apple sucks and Starbuck cucks instagram or facebook can kiss my ass too, they are so lucky I don’t mutha-fuckin sue their ass too. If your billion dollar engineering staff can’t figure this out, “your security focus” I don’t know what it’s going to do but shut your PR mouth before that ass opens.

I have to say you guys made me feel special, Not! That ship sailed too!

I do really hope Facebook finds a way to pay me. I mean what the fuck was up with that link to easily log into my account. Are you guys even making it easier for hackers to hop right in. At least have me reset a password or something.

I don’t need you to leave doors open for me, like I am some Invalid, it’s not that exciting. I mean come on. Maybe you guys should hire some BlakHats, so they can stop chasing my sexy girl designs asses.

I was trying to show that the ovaries/vagina are like a fractal butt when it geometrically curves. Apparently I got the best ass designs that bring all the boys to the yard. I was trying to make some designs for shy guys too.

I got laid like 3 times during this whole fiasco what about you?

All in all I ain’t mad at you! Who ever had you do this deserves a big old boo!!!!!


Mr. Everything

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