Since you may be a generation or two before your kids, you know what it’s like to appreciate the outdoors. You also had some sense of order that usually came in the form of taking time outs or restrictions. However it is really hard to perceive what your kids are going to do. The phone is wired into their heads and their headphones are so tuned to this device that other people reach and parent them before you do. By the time they reach the house they can be going through things that you had no clue. Going through psychological problems that they do not even want to talk to you about since they are living in an isolation. And even if you think they are talking to you as normal, they are still suppressing and hiding things that are in their subconscious. The things that they are not aware of. Keep in mind that you must read my post prior to this about the addicts mind and a quick study of their behavior that we all see.
You have to offer them a ultimatum and you do not have to be an Authority to do so. Just understand what I am saying to you that is pertinent, in order to understand what they are going through, and it will work.
If they choose the phone first tell them that it can only be when they are at home!
Be firm but not an Authority. If they tell you why are you behaving this way. Then explain to them what you read in the articles before.
Doing this will give them a context on what is really going on. So that they do not go away thinking that you are just being paranoid or controlling. They must not feel that you are controlling or they will just rebel. So just take it casually they are addicted so they are reacting emotionally when you take their device away. Kind of like taking a candy away from a baby that had the taste stuck on the tongue for a long time. Let them cry it’s okay at least it’s a living response.
Order is what makes up aspects of an attention span and the ability to do tasks to get them done. They are so used to scanning the phone and jumping from one thing to the next that they have no senes of what goes together and what does not.
Their bran is out of order and then they are also going to be reactive and aggressive because their emotions and reactions got attached to things that are out of order. For example how can your child really love the phone. It is a digital world that does not actually exist. It is a representation of what is going on, it’s not there now. READ THIS FOR CONTEXT.
KEEP IN MIND ORDER IS MATHEMATICAL NOT MORAL OR SOCIETAL. The brain already has a specific order and it’s harmony is being disrupted. Keep in mind that their brains are not even fully developed yet. So they have never completed the stages of development. Think of the brain as a flower that has not bloomed. If something interferes while it is blooming the flower petals may be deformed. It won’t flourish. It will have distorted leaves or get cancers and die due to attrition. The mathematical order which made it was disrupted. Instead of 1 1 2 3 5 7 12 19 31 which is a fundamental order of flowering of all biology. Their order will be 1 1 2 3 4 5 5.5 6 6:5 7 6.5 .4 .3 .2 and degenerating. Just imagine that they basically got undeveloped and they reached the same age.
ORDER is not sequential. Each thing in the mind has an order. However they have to be away from the phone which is disrupting this not only in physical habits but the wireless waves are passing through them and are in direct contact with their brain.
How you know they are developing habits, they think of the phone. They walk as if they are in their own world. They also drop things in a really awkward way. Which gives you clues that the attention span is low. Often times parents get tutoring for their kids but never deal with this and in does nothing for them but suck the parents money.
The other one is that they do not stop to text. They mix walking and texting with food. They also live a mental life of their own, they are not aware that they are walking in front of people on the sidewalks then they get startled. Keep in mind that this is a direct result of inattention. The phone is becoming so invasive that it is mixing itself into every pattern of being.
Un-conditioning these habits is going to be a challenge but hold firm and explain yourself do not assume that they won’t understand. Kids will think on it at some point. Trust that if you keep explaining yourself and learning it yourself that they will to naturally, is it not obvious.
READ SOON! How the Imagination in children is being directly affected?
Mr. Everything