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Digital Conformity And What Is It?


We have all conformed to the phone in one way or another but many of us in fact most of us have conformed to the Digital Conformed life that is a result of the way the Digital Wold has included itself in all of our actions and behaviors. These behaviors are a result of the Digital Mind which the social media engineers have created and nurtured by hacking our central nervous system to make us impulsively link ourselves to our phones. Most people that use phones now a days are stuck in this digital life and often times walk around day to day with this life in mind. They are colorful on the outside, often times are trying to stick out in social media while being plugged in to this digital world that is inside themselves which is being projected into the phone taking a fictitious space in this digital world that is a digital world that fictitiously exists.

The notion that this AI will learn anything but how to manipulate humans though their central nervous system is absurd. There is no truth or actuality in this world so no AI can draw any kind of intelligence but the digital intelligence that is presented by the partialities of the human mind. To think that this will serve us any purpose other than self-servitude or slavery to the self which will be a fictitious AI disconnected from the cosmic reality just as we are becoming more so than ever.

Utilizing the phone is not the problem, the phone becoming something that is using us while we conform to the mental life it is creating is an encroachment and has caused numerous problems as well as contribution to suicide.

Mr. Everything

I love you!

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