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Are We Bathing In Wireless Saunas?

Updated: Mar 27, 2019

A look at modern lifestyle of the technological age with exposure to invisible sources!

Just imagine yourself sitting in a room of 40 people and they are all on their cell phones and also on laptops surfing the web using the shared wireless range. A hotbox of data and radiation passing all around/through you while hitting your nerves, head and passing all around while getting absorbed by unknown substances with unknown variations of subjects that are exposed to it in interchanging ways. With people who have varying conditions and cellular (biology) problems already what effects are those going to be.

Brains that are still developing and growing into adulthood while this radiation is happening to be passing through them during this development of the brain and mind.

This hotbed of radiation which is known to damage cells in plants and flowers and imbed itself in our rock and metals. We sit around and watch as this hotbed of radiation steams us, evaporates our cell of electrical possibility. Then we think that this exponential reaction is small and that it is isolated when everyone in the world is using these devices. While everything is sucking it up.

Mr. Everything

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